Speakers make buzzing sound

January 8, 2006 at 4:06 pm | Posted in A/V | Leave a comment
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Do you hear a buzzing noise coming from your speakers every so often?  If so, here are two things to try:

  • Move your cell phone away from your speakers. Try keeping your cell phone in another room for a day or two and see if the problem goes away. If it does, the noise is due to interference from your cell phone. This is especially common with mobile phones that operate on a GSM network, such as Cingular (now AT&T). Once you’ve determined that your cell phone is the culprit, you can experiment with how far you must keep it away from your speakers.
  • Move your wireless router away from your speakers. If you have a wireless router, it can create intermittent noise on your speakers, too. Move it away from your speakers and see if the noise stops.

Other possible causes of buzzing are electrical noise from your computer and ground loops.

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